T'chiyah Membership Application - 2024/25

Use this form to apply for membership at Congregation T'chiyah. Be sure to read our Mission Statement and check out our FAQ before you apply.


Please direct questions to shalom@tchiyah.org
Use this form to apply for membership at Congregation T'chiyah. We will follow up after reviewing your form to approve your membership or request more info. Don't worry, it's not a test! We just want to make sure that we know you to be a good fit for the congregation before you officially become "one of us." Please direct questions to shalom@tchiyah.org

Responses are viewable by our staff and Board. Your intended terumah pledge / financial info is visible only to staff, President, Vice President and Treasurer - not other Board trustees.
We would love to have you as part of our progressive, participatory and whole-heartedly inclusive community!

T'chiyah members:
– RESONATE with our approach to Judaism
– SHAPE our communal life through committee work, ritual leadership, idea-generating, and skill-sharing
– CONTRIBUTE annual terumah, "dues from the heart," communally-inspired and self-determined monetary contributions to the congregation
– SHARE the work of feeding one another by bringing kiddush at least once per year
– RECEIVE support and care from our Rabbi, Chesed Committee, and fellow members

Interested in supporting the community, but not wishing to commit to membership? Become a T'chiyah Tender instead of a member!

Who You Are

Please select one option.
Please select all that apply.
Please select all that apply.
Partner / Member #2 Information:

If you are including a partner or second member on your application, please list their info here. If not, feel free to skip this section.
Please select one option.
Please select all that apply.
Please select one option.
Synagogue Life

Please select all that apply.
Terumah: Gifts from the Heart

For the 2024-25 year, our Board recommends a rate of $1,100 per adult annual pledge, a $100 increase from 2022-23. Still, we ask that you contribute more than this requested amount if you have the means, as we would require a pledge of $1500 per person to fully cover our proposed costs.

We recognize that income levels and relationships with money vary greatly within our community, and that contributing this amount may not be feasible for you. We do not discriminate based on pledge contributions – you are not a second-class member for pledging lower than this amount! – nor do we rescind membership status if you end up contributing less than your expressed pledge.

That said: It is vital for us to collect funds to ensure the sustainability of our community and fair compensation for our employees. Please consider our ask for a $1100 per adult pledge, and contribute an amount that is attainable for you. Every bit helps!

Please select one option.

Please select all that apply.
When your membership is approved, you will receive access to a new password-protected Member Portal, which features congregational resources, including our member directory.
Please select all that apply.
If you have selected to contribute Terumah now, please enter your credit card info below.

(If you do not wish to contribute at this time, make sure that "No payment at this time" is selected for the question labeled "Give Today.")


Use this form to apply for membership at Congregation T'chiyah. Be sure to read our Mission Statement and check out our FAQ before you apply.


Please direct questions to shalom@tchiyah.org